Thursday, January 3, 2013

i was fortunate enough to be a parent on a recent school trip to the Royal Ontario Museum. My son and his grade 7 class are studying Early Canadians. The guide we had was fantastic, and the kids were given an opportunity to get hands on with some of the artifacts.

What i found great about this classroom experience was that each table had artifacts from different aspects of the life of early Canadians. Agriculture, cooking, housekeeping, defense... Of course John Callum liked the armory stuff the best, he was thrilled to play with musket balls.

The children were asked to look the items over and guess what each object was used for. They did fantastic, and were so enthusiastic. Their history teacher Monsieur Philippe was so excited to see his students throwing themselves into learning.

To any teachers reading this, i recommend a field trip to the museum. It was brilliant.

i took this photo when we turned the students loose on the museum after the lessons.

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